Game Server 24

Minecraft and game servers for cheap prices and amazing performance. Instant setup, able to pay with crypto. Keep your server running 24/7.

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Anonymous hosting service

Presenting our Benefits

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Easy-to-use control panel

We use the popular Pterodactyl panel along with the premium Arix theme to fit your technical and visual needs. Everything can be done with a click of a button.
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High-end hardware

Providing you with the latest gen AMD Ryzen 9 processors for peak performance on your game server, Ryzen 9 5950X. Servers have never been faster.
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DDos Mitigated

With the power of firewalls and our DDoS Protection along with Reverse proxies, we promise you a safe haven for you and your server, no fear of any ddos attacks.
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Human customer support

Not only do we try our best to help you as quickly as possible, our support team promises to provide helpful suggestions or solutions to solving your problems, stress-free!
Pricing Plans

Minecraft Server Hosting

Budget Premium
A variety of popular games

Game Server Hosting

Our locations

1 Server Location

Our locations ensure that you have a good gaming experience no matter where in the world you may be!


Frequently Asked Questions

Payment methods?
We accept many methods of payment; however, we prefer you stay private by using BTC or Monero.
OS to install?
There is no limit as to what OS you can or cannot install, since it is your server, you can do as you wish. However, we have quick-installable software which is recommended in order to save yourself any risk of errors.
Why Game Server 24?
We offer you impressive performance while maintaining highly competitive prices. What more could you need? Along with that we also keep you completely anonymous as a client, we accept crypto-payments, and we are fully transparent. No overselling, no shared resources, you get what you pay for.
What hardware?
Hardware strong enough to handle almost any game you want it to. As long as you pick an appropriate plan and handle the server with care everything should be running smoothly as it should. Running with Ryzen 9 5950X in Germany as of right now.
What about mods?
Yes, for games like Minecraft and Rust that have modded communities we offer the option to create a modded server. For Rust we have both Oxide and Carbon, for Minecraft we have both Forge and Fabric.
VPS/Web Hosting?
Game Server 24 itself does not offer these services. However, our partner MyNymBox does. Providing you with all the same benefits for performance, staying anonymous and being able to pay in crypto to be able to get your VPS running in no time.
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