Wolfenstein ET Hosting
2 vCPU
€ 7.60
Available locations
4GB of Ram
2 Threads
Unmetered* Storage
€1.90 per GB
3 vCPU
€ 11.40
Available locations
6GB of Ram
3 Threads
Unmetered* Storage
3 vCPU
€ 15.20
Available Locations
8GB of Ram
3 Threads
Unmetered* Storage
Unmetered*; meaning you can use as much storage but there is a physical capacity on the bare metal itself that will be monitored to keep this usage safe and fair.

Slick Panel
Using the premium Arix theme, we promise you will have the best experience with our panel.

Blazing fast cores
You get exactly the performance you deserve, your money's worth is best here.

DDoS Mitigation
You are safe from any large DDoS strikes as we counter them using a multitude of techniques.

Human Support
By joining our discord, you can get real-time support from other individuals or open tickets.